
It is believed that some groundwork has to be accomplished in order to establish a sustainable University - Industry Linkage. To this effect the Arba Minch Institute of Technology, Arba Minch University, started University – Industry Linkage and Technology Transformation office (UIL-TT) on its premises. The main objective of this unit is to pave the way for the establishment of sustainable University - Industry Linkage. It had the responsibility of conducting need and capability assessment of Arba Minch Institute of Technology and the industrial sector at large so as to form a strong foundation for a reliable linkage. The office examined the activities carried out by the Arba Minch Institute of Technology and different Industry co-operation program to learn from the successes and shortcomings of their experiences. UIL-TT offices run its activities in collaboration Arba Minch university Research and Publication office. The activities to be carried out by the UIL-TT office towards meeting its objectives include;

Organization of the Unit