
Holistic agricultural approach, the way out: Dr Feleke

‘‘Agriculture is one of the greatest accomplishments, the world has ever seen. But, due to spilling population and expansion weakness in the recent century our available resources have become scarce that led to calamity such as disaster, our country faced in 1974,’’ said the AMU President, Dr Feleke Woldeyes.

Dr Feleke was speaking at the daylong 1st Annual Symposium on 'Integrated Agricultural Development and Food Security’ at Lecture Theatre, Main Campus, on May 27, 2013. Ministry of Science and Technology & Arba Minch University have jointly organized the meeting.

He further underscored, ‘‘Currently, humanity is confronted with the challenges of food self-sufficiency and security so does with the climate change. On the whole, to feed progressively projecting population, is a challenge; thus enormous pressure on the agricultural sector! And the only way out is to look for more holistic agricultural development approach, which is integrated agriculture.’’

Putting forth his point, the Vice-President for Research and Community Services, Dr Guchie Gulie, said, ‘‘We need to work hard for finding and adapting new varieties of crops, animals and agricultural technologies. We also need to understand the natural determinants that boost agricultural productivity and deliberate on findings.’’

The Dean of College of Agriculture Science, Dr Nezib Mohammad, said, ‘‘Ethiopia, today faces some developmental challenges; key amongst them is poverty reduction. And Ethiopian government is taking holistic approach to address food security issue for the vulnerable section.

Agriculture has always been a prime factor for the development of any nation, thus with a view of giving utmost emphasis for its growth, we have organized this meeting. And hope the deliberations would bring forth some alternative technologies with technical support,'' he adds.

The symposium saw various research papers’ presentation on subjects i.e. Determination of optimum spatial arrangement & plant, Technical efficiency in maize production: Case of small farmers from Dhidhessa, Characterizing the enduring nature of dry land farming system in Chamo sub-basin, Investigation of waste coffee residue as potential raw materials, Factors affecting patterns of deforestation, effect of Faba bean etc.

Over hundreds of representatives from Arba Minch, Jimma & Adigrat universities, Werer, Bako, Wondo Genet & Holeta Bee Agricultural Modernization Research Centres and others participated in the meet. Mr Tamrat Kassa and Mr Gebrerufael Girmay were the moderators.



By Philips Joseph