
The aim of this symposium series is to create a forum for exchange and discussion on sustainable development though science between scientists and researchers from different fields of Science: Agriculture, Natural Sciences, and Medicine and Health sciences.

It is increasingly recognized that sustainable development is a complex and spatially heterogeneous system composed many components.

Therefore multidisciplinary approaches are required to understand it’s functioning and to predict the dynamics of its capacity for sustainable agricultural development, to protect the environment by immobilizing pollutants and limiting erosion, to provide clean energy, water and physical support for living organisms, sustainable use of raw materials, new materials production and etc… necessary for human survival and comfort. NSSD will continue to foster cross fertilization between discipline and multidisciplinary collaborations.

NSSD-2015 follows successful annual meeting at Arba Minch University last year. There is a varied and exciting programme of oral presentations with more than 55 registered participants from 15 Universities from different regions of Ethiopia will contribute their share in the symposium and key note speeches will be delivered by distinguished professors in the nation.

The Welcome reception will be held at Arba Minch University Institute of Technology, Main Campus and all scientific sessions will be held at the Main Campus. Excursions to the surrounding countryside of Chencha and picturesque villages and visits of will take place on Thursday 20th June after the Gala dinner will be in Tourist takes place after theexcursion.

The scientific topics which will be covered by the NSSD symposium are:

1. Agricultural Science Issues

2. Medicine and Health Issues

3. Natural and Computational issues

Arba Minch, Ethiopia, June 19 – 20, 2015