
Innovative models which you have developed will certainly prove to be the best in the exhibition. Previously as well, Arba Minch University’s students from Institute of Technology (IoT) have shown their brilliance in technical knowhow and brought the laurels for the university, said the Scientific Director, Dr Negash Wagesho.

Dr Negash was appreciating IoT students from Architecture, Civil, Electrical, hydraulics, Mechanical, Water Resource and Computer Science departments for developing around 15 innovative models to be displayed in the exhibition to be held in Addis Ababa from 8th to 11th December, 2013.

In an informal program held at Lecture Theatre on December 5, all the department heads honored students for their endeavor to develop different scientific and technical models by giving them the certificate of appreciation.

The expo is being organized by Dan International Auxiliary Promotion Plc in collaboration with The Federal Democratic Republic of Ethiopia’s House of Federation and Ministry of Education at Addis Ababa Exhibition Centre.

This time, AMU’s 57-member contingent, in which 15 students from Arts stream would be presenting cultural songs and dance. Around 24 students from IoT will display hi-tech models along with 16 faculty members. Geta Fekede from Corporate Communication Directorate and Tamiru Tesema would be leading the contingent.

The exhibition offers a platform to the higher educational institutions to strengthen their visibility by sharing technical knowledge and culture of the region. By allowing display of different hi-tech models it gives an opportunity to show the process of transition of theoretical knowledge into practice.

Apart from beauty contest, there will also be question & answer session and opportunity to present environmental and regional culture in a well organized manner.

By Philips Joseph