
Arba Minch University will be felicitating all individuals, who have put in their painstaking efforts for successfully conducting 2005 Convocation, 8th Nations, Nationalities and Peoples’ Day celebration, ‘Cities Week,’ and winning Dan International Exhibition at Teacher’s Lounge, Main Campus on January 11, 2014.

The felicitation program is being jointly organized by the President’s Office and Corporate Communication Directorate; the program will start at 5 pm on Saturday.

The objective is to appreciate all those in right earnest for giving their valuable contributions not only in organizing the events, but also for portraying the image of the university in the most appropriate manner at respective forums.

The organizing body would honor 30 individuals for 2005 Convocation, 16 for 8th Nations, Nationalities and Peoples’ Day, 8 for ‘Cities Week’ and 46 for bringing laurels at Dan International organized exhibition in Addis Ababa.

On Saturday evening, the program will begin with Corporate Communication Directorate Director, Mr Genene Gedebu Feleha, orienting the gathering; Academic Affairs Vice President, Dr Agena Anjulo, will deliver the opening speech.

AMU President, Dr Feleke Woldeyes, gracing the program will hand over the winning trophy to those who participated in the exhibition, who in turn give it back to the President; Dr Feleke will make the concluding remarks.

By Philips Joseph