
The Electrical Engineering Dept. at AMIT has ambitious research plans and revealing this is Mr. Yalisho Girma, Lecturer in Electrical and Computer Engineering Department. He along with Mr. Engidaw Abel and Mr. Samuel Tesema has embarked a research on ‘Feasibility Study and Design of Solar PV and Micro-Hydro Power Systems for Rural Regions in Gamo Gofa Zone.’ This research project is aimed at assessing Solar energy and micro hydro potentials of Goma Gofa  Zone and Mr. Yalisho and his colleagues are designing this hybrid system. 

There is also Sahay-Solar Project of Electrical and Computer Engineering Department, which is in designing and implementing off-Grid connected (stand alone) PV systems for rural schools and health centers. More than 5 rural schools and health stations have got PV power system and this project is expected to continue providing such services.