
AMU Senate in its recently held meeting has arrived at some important decisions on the issues of delayed clearance of under and post-graduates exams, up-scaling of law department to Law School and also came up with clear-cut policy on Higher Diploma Program training.

After prolonged deliberation, the Senate has accorded its approbation to those students clearing under and post-graduate exams after the set time-frame of the university.

Perusing through the formal request of the Law department that functions under the College of Social Science and Humanities, Senate has in principle approved to up-scale its status as a Law School.

To set the ball rolling, it has already accepted its nomenclature as Law School. However, the Law Department has been told to develop formal proposal in that regard to get full-fledged status. The proposal first would be screened by the Senate then ratified by the AMU’s Board.

Assuring supplementary support it has also exhorted the Law department to enhance its social, community and voluntary services. The department which as of now functioning at head-level, can be made independent and elevated to the level of a Dean, provided it work hard and evolve that required dynamism within.

The body has given indication that if all goes well then the proposed Law School in future might have its own building. And if it introduces post-graduate courses in line with the strategy of the university, then in all likelihood it would have a new campus as well. But till then it has to function the way it’s doing now.

Senate has come up with some concrete decisions, while giving a due consideration to the diverse views on Higher Diploma Program training. Some were urging to acknowledge the number of hours put in HDP training as credit hour and some were against the overload getting paid.

As per the laid university rules, each instructor has to take 12 credit hours in a week, if goes beyond it is taken as overload. And hereafter, each instructor taking overload will be paid extra for the same.

HDP training hours that previously were taken as four credit hours has now been curtailed down to two that shall remain applicable for the academic year 2006 EC (2013-14) only.

From the next academic year 2007 EC (2014-15), HDP training will be mandatory for each instructor. And those involved in HDP training stand to get benefitted in different ways. Like each HDP training instructor will be given five standardized points while considering their claims for scholarship and also for promotion.

By Philips Joseph