
Arba Minch University in its recent Senate meeting has promoted two Assistant Professors, Dr Teshome Yirgu Bayu and Dr Abebe Girma Demissie to the position of Associate Professor.

Dr Teshome Yirgu Bayu, presently Dean of College of Social Science and Humanities, has served as Assistant Professor with department of Geography and Environmental Studies from 2011 to 2014.

He joined university as lecturer in 2005 and got his PhD from Andhra University, India in 2009. He had also been director of Students Service Directorate for two years. He has one text book on Morphology and five research papers to his credit and adequate participation in university and related affairs.

Dr Abebe Girma Demissie, joined AMU as lecturer in 2006, and after three years, went to Institute of Chemical Engineering of Mumbai University, India, for PhD in Bio-technology. He resumed the job with university in 2012 as Assistant Professor.

In 2014, he again went to India, for Post-Doctoral studies in bio-informatics from School of Bio-technology and Bio-informatics, Indore University.

Presently he is University-Industry Linkage and Technology Transfer Directorate director. Briefly, he had been a coordinator for consultancy services and short-term training offices. He has had over 15 research papers to his credit and right now engaged in research on moringa and Vilir projects.


(By Corporate Communication Directorate: Philips Joseph)