Arba Minch University in its 32ndConvocation at Abaya Campus Auditorium on 6th July, 2019, has rolled out 6,857 graduates in different streams of which 6,279 are UG &578 PG students that include 4,434 males and 2,423 females. Sawla Campus has graduated its 2ndbatch of 272 graduates this year. Click here to see the pictures

AMU’s Community Service Directorate has inaugurated colorful ‘4th Community Week’ beginning from 2nd to 5th July, 2019, at Main Campus. The program will mirror philanthropic endeavors conducted by every units across all colleges and streams of university in a year. On the occasion, those individuals who made exceptional contributions in respective arenas to better lives of surrounding community will be felicitated. click here to see the pictures

Arba Minch University will be hosting its 32nd Convocation at Abaya Campus Auditorium on 6th July, 2019. AMU Board Chairman, Dr Yinager Dessie, the Governor of National Bank, will grace the function; leaders from different regions, woredas and others are among the invitees.

University-Industry Linkage & Technology Transfer Directorate (UIL-TTD) in a daylong program hosted 17 industries from across Ethiopia and 13 TVETs at Main Campus recently and constituted a University-Industry Forum , which shortly will take up specific collaborative research, training and internship activities to accelerate the process of developing various technologies and their dissemination to the community.

የስነ-ትምህርትና ስነ-ባህርይ ሣይንስ ትምህርት ቤት ከትምህርት ቤቱ የምርምርና ማኅበረሰብ አገልግሎት ማስተባበሪያ ጽ/ቤት ጋር በመተባበር ከአርባ ምንጭ ዙሪያ ወረዳ ለተወጣጡ ለርዕሳነ መ/ራን፣ ሱፐርቫይዘሮች እና የትምህርት ጽ/ቤት ባለሙያዎች በስትራቴጂክ ዕቅድ /SP/ ዝግጅትና ትግበራ እንዲሁም በትምህርት ቤት ማሻሻያ ፕሮግራም /SIP/ ላይ ያተኮረ ስልጠና ከግንቦት 26-28/2011 ዓ/ም ሰጥቷል፡፡