Arba Minch University College of Natural and Computational Sciences has been implementing a five years collaborative project entitled “Ethiopian-Norwegian Network in Computational Mathematics” along with Norwegian University of Science and Technology, Norway, and Hawassa and Adama Science and Technology Universities, Ethiopia. The college held discussion on the implementation and further plan activities of the project on August 4, 2023. Click here to see more photos.

Prof. Markus Grasmair, from University of Science and Technology, Norway, noted that enhancing the quality of education and research in applied mathematics, improving cooperation between the Norwegian and Ethiopian partners, and boosting interaction between academia and the Ethiopian industry and public sector are the main goals of the project. He added that the project's other responsibilities include developing a bilateral exchange programme for students in the MSc programmes of Ethiopia and Norway and setting up cooperative supervision of Ethiopian PhD students in Norway. He further said that the project also arranges summer schools, especially for female students, giving them guidance on their MSc studies; this workshop will be organized at AMU soon.

Dean for College of Natural and Computational Sciences, Dr. Tewodros Birhanu, stated that as AMU is identified as a Research University nationally, the college gives emphasis on several research and partnership activities with various national and international institutions. He adds that the project that is currently being implemented in the field of mathematics plays a pivotal role in improving the quality of education and helps in getting PhD students’ supervisors easily.

Dr. Simon Derke, Coordinator of the Project at AMU, in his part said that the project mainly facilitates the exchange of teachers and students, and will also help female students to prefer and study mathematics. Moreover, the initiative gives graduate education chances to MSc and PhD students to spend one year at University of Science and Technology, Norway, under joint supervision of staff at it and AMU which highly improves AMU post graduate study and strengthens partnership in research. In addition, he said, as an academic and research institution the new experiences secured through the project will help to build capacities to solve various industrial problems mathematically.

On the occasion, it was learnt that AMU will host modeling week and summer school for female students by next year.

Arba Minch University

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