With a view of building the capacity of the cafeteria support staff at Main Campus and laymen from surrounding communities, Community Service wing of Arba Minch University will soon be launching an Integrated Adult Education Program. 

‘‘Take your cue from a janitor at NASA office, who when visited by the then American President Kennedy, who found him busy at work, asked what he was doing; pat came the answer, that he was there to send a man on the Moon,’’ The head of Ethics and Anti-Corruption Department, Mr Mahe Bodda Kao, said this while exhorting AMU support staff.

Arba Minch University College of Natural Sciences (Abaya Campus) Senior students dormitory allocation 2006 E.C.

The Ministry of Federal Affairs and Ministry of Education will be holding two-day comprehensive training on ‘Developing change agent for quality education and good governance’ for both academic and administrative staff of Arba Minch University. 

The fourth module, which deals with ethical, professional obligation and commitment that you all will be oriented is paramount; as it sums up other three modules. The training will apparently lay the foundation that will enhance your teaching skill and boost confidence,’’ stressed the Vice President for Research and Community Service, Dr Guchie Gulie Sulla.

Dr Guchie said this while inaugurating five-day instructional skill training that begun at Lecture Theatre, Main Campus on September 23. The training is organized by university’s Institutional Quality Enhancement Centre (IQE) and it will conclude on 28th September.