AMU’s Institutional Quality Enhancement Centre (IQEC) has conducted a five-day instructional skills training for senior and newly recruited university teachers to instill pedagogical skills in them thereby enhancing the quality of education. The training began at Main Campus from October 13, 2014.

AMU’s Community Service Directorate has achieved yet another milestone by churning out 30 trainees in Small-Scale Irrigation Management with South Pastoral Affairs Bureau, SNNPR. The graduation ceremony for the same was held at Main Campus on Oct 12, 2014. Click here to see the pictures.

Arba Minch University has celebrated 7th National Flag Day at its Main Campus with great élan and enthusiasm on Oct 13, 2014. President’s delegate and Academic Affairs Vice President, Dr Agena Anjulo, hoisted the National Flag. AMU top officials, academic, administrative staff, students and others graced the occasion. Click here to see the Pictures.

Arba Minch University today has entered into an agreement with the Hawassa-based Yirgalem Construction plc to build 300-bedded Teaching-cum-Referral hospital near Madhanalem Church at Arba Minch on 5.1 hectares of land, informed Academic Affairs Vice President, Dr Agena Anjulo. Click here to see the Pictures.

Arba Minch University has accorded a warm welcome to its 5021 new students for the academic year 2014-15 (2007 EC) from September 30, 2014, at its five campuses.
The statistics has it that, 1900 will be joining Institute of Technology, College of Medicine & Health Sciences 320, College of Natural Sciences 1111, College of Agriculture 390; 1300 will be admitted in College of Business & Economics and College of Social Sciences and Humanities. Click here to see the Pictures.