‘‘Our rich cultural heritage is the symbol of righteousness and honesty; we need to preserve and promote our values and social mores. And this could only be possible when all of us behave judiciously thus leaving no room for corrupt practices; it will lay the foundation for altogether new Ethiopia,’’ said Arba Minch University President, Dr Feleke Woldeyes. Click here to see Pictures.

Arba Minch University has formally handed over 3.6 hectares of land to the Hawassa-based Yirgalem Construction Plc on January 20, 2015, for the construction of 300-bedded teaching-cum-referral hospital. The stated land is situated opposite Madhanalem Church at Secha, Arba Minch. The construction process is likely to commence after three weeks.

‘‘Corruption is insidious for the country that retards developmental process; it’s like a cancer that keeps gnawing at the system till corrective surgery is performed. Therefore, it’s imperative for Ethiopians to stand up and fight out this evil,’’ exhorted Vice President, Dr Agena Anjulo.

Research Centre for Highland Fruits and Enset Genetic Research & Conservation Centre will be the holistic centre where cutting-edge researches on plant science, horticulture, agriculture, animal breeding, fodder, health, social and other aspects of medical sciences will be conducted, Vice President, Dr Agena Anjulo, informed.

Community Service Directorate has organized the two-day training in English language for High School English teachers from Gamo Gofa Zone at Main Campus; 124 teachers participated in the training.