The noteworthy progress achieved in last 20 years will transform Ethiopia as one of the fastest growing middle-income countries in the short span of time. And the base for this change has been the advancement of education, equity and changes through curriculum based on country’s policy and strategy, said Arba Minch University President, Dr Feleke Woldeyes.

This lissome lass seems to be a bundle of mystery! The veneer of her happiness can’t hold the loads of adversities she is pitted against. But, steely guts and unflagging will to rise over the morass of poverty gave wings to her desire to have life with dignity and resources.

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At the first stance you may take this lanky lad, Teliku Nigussie Hailu, for someone who has got nothing to do with education! But when you scroll down into his heart; you would stumble upon the smoldering desire to make it big in life lying locked in there, waiting to be unlocked.

Arba Minch University is all set to launch a PhD program in Operations Research (Math) in the next academic year 2007 EC. In this connection, College of Natural Sciences’ Department of Mathematics has conducted an internal review on PhD Curriculum in Operations Research at Lecture Theatre on 2nd July, 2014; with this, AMU will have two doctoral studies to its credit.
Opening the workshop, Academic Affairs Vice President, Dr Agena Anjulo, reiterated, ‘‘This proposed PhD curriculum developed on African initiative is important since Ethiopia is in need of skilled professionals in Operations Research which will be helpful for all development sectors. After the first PhD in Irrigation & Drainage Engineering, it will be the second one to be launched in new academic year.