Wheat (Triticum aestivum L.) is the most important cereal crop and second most important staple food after rice grown in 89 countries of temperate, sub-tropical and tropical climates. Ethiopia’s average annual yield is said to be 27.3 quintal per hectare while according to Food and Agriculture Organization global productivity is 36.2q/ha; consequently, the demand for bread wheat is increasing that leads to shortage of its production in the country, states the Principal Investigator, Prof. Abdul Qayyum Khan.

Recently, Arba Minch Water Technology Institute has enriched its advanced equipments’ inventory as it has purchased over 20 potentially important engineering instruments that incurred over ETB 50 Million to be used in different laboratories. And in future, it’s expected to bring in more scientific instruments meant to measure ground water prospects, soil moisture, river or canal water quality measurement, etc., said, Water Resource Research Centre Director, Dr Samuel Dagalo.

The recently inaugurated mini STEM Centre at Main Campus-based Faculty of Electrical and Computer Engineering will be made full-fledged and a yearlong program, the process in this regard will begin at the earliest. Though, the span of collaboration with STEM Power is 2 years but the required legwork has to start right now, emphasized Community Service Directorate Director, Dr Teklu Wegayehu.

አርባ ምንጭ ዩኒቨርሲቲ ከኢፌዴሪ ባህልና ቱሪዝም ሚኒስቴር እና ከሳይንስና ከፍተኛ ትምህርት ሚኒስቴር ጋር በመተባበር ‹‹ጥራት ያለው ትርጉምና ተርጓሚነት ለሀገራዊ መግባባት!›› በሚል መሪ ቃል ከመጋቢት 24-25/2013 ዓ/ም የመጀመሪያውን ሀገራዊ የትርጉም እና የተርጓሚነት ጉባዔ በዩኒቨርሲቲው አካሂዷል፡፡

የዩኒቨርሲቲው የቋንቋና ባህል ጥናት ኢንስቲትዩት ዳይሬክተር ዶ/ር ሰኢድ አሕመድ ኢንስቲትዩቱ ከተመሠረተ አንድ ዓመት ያልሞላው ቢሆንም በዚህ አጭር ጊዜ ውስጥ ሀገራዊ ጉባዔ ማዘጋጀቱ አበረታች መሆኑን ጠቅሰዋል፡፡  ፎቶዎቹን ለማየት እዚህ ይጫኑ

የአርባ ምንጭ ዩኒቨርሲቲ የተከታታይና ርቀት ትምህርት ኮሌጅ በማታ በሳምንት መጨረሻና በርቀት የትምህርት ፕሮግራሞች መስፈርቱን የሚያሟሉ አዲስ አመልካቾችን በአርባ ምንጭና ሳውላ ማዕከላት ተቀብሎ ከዚህ በታች በተጠቀሱ የትምህርት መስኮች በመጀመሪያ ዲግሪ ከ2013 ዓ.ም 2ኛ ሴሚስተር ጀምሮ ማሠልጠን ይፈልጋል፡፡

ሙሉውን መረጃ ለማግኘት እዚህ ይጫኑ