የዩኒቨርሲቲው RUNRES ፕሮጀክት ስዊዘርላንድ ከሚገኘው ETH Zurich ዩኒቨርሲቲ ጋር በመተባበር ከመስከረም 13 - 14/ 2012 ዓ/ም ፕሮግራሙን ማስጀመሪያ የምክክር መድረክ በኃይሌ ሪዞርት አካሂዷል፡፡

የዩኒቨርሲቲው ምርምርና ማኅበረሰብ አገልግሎት ም/ፕሬዝደንት ዶ/ር ስምኦን ሽብሩ እንደገለፁት ፕሮጀክቱ በሙዝ እሴት ሰንሰለት ላይ ትኩረት አድርጎ የሚሠራ ሲሆን ዓላማው ገጠርና ከተማን በምግብ እሴት ሰንሰለት በማገናኘት የአካባቢውን የምግብ ደኅንነትና ልማት ማሻሻልና መጠበቅ፣ የዜጎችን የኑሮ ሁኔታ ማሻሻል እና በምግብ ራስን ለመቻል በሚደረጉ አገራዊ ጥረቶች ላይ የበኩሉንን ድርሻ መወጣት እንደሆነ ተናግረዋል፡፡ ምስሉን ለማየት ከዚህ ይጫኑ

To strengthen globalization agenda with regard to its academic, research initiatives, staff development and students’ exchange, AMU has signed 5-yearlong collaborative agreement with India’s reputed Vellore Institute of Technology to mutually reinforce research endeavor and engage in staff and student exchange, informed University-Industry Linkage and Technology Transfer Directorate Director, Dr Tolera Seda.

AMU’s one of the big-ticket overseas projects - ‘The Rural-Urban Nexus: Establishing a nutrient loop to improve city region food system resilience’ – RUNRES, having just kicked off saw all of its partners and stakeholders cudgeling brains to identify and glean concrete opportunities available on ground so that they can collectively press the start button of this 8-year-long social endeavor.

AMU’s Community Service Directorate along with Gamo Zone Education Department has organized five-day training on four crucial strategic elements of education like pre-school education, special needs, continuing professional development and Gamogna language at Main Campus beginning from 15th to 20th September, 2019. Click here to see the pictures

AMU’s recently bagged RUNRES Project - a flagship project of ETH Zurich World Food System Center funded by Swiss Agency for Development and Cooperation has held two-day kick-off meeting at Haile Resort, Arba Minch on 24th & 25th September, 2019, in the presence of its partners and all stakeholders. Click here to see the pictures