Arba Minch University’s newly constituted Management Board comprised of eight members is likely to take over the reins from the out-going members on 7th July, 2017. The erstwhile Board deserved plaudits for it has contributed immensely to put AMU into the orbit of excellence, said University President, Dr Damtew Darza.

College of Medicine and Health Sciences in order to help its graduating students acquire hands-on experience on community service has organized 45-day in-field training beginning from 1st June to 15th July 2017, at eight woredas; 183 students and 31 instructors participated in it. Click here to see the pictures.

The startling array of research findings emanating from key limnological variables, historical data and field measurements indicate that indiscriminate ecological changes are pushing both lakes, Abaya and Chamo, on the brink of total jeopardy, if intervention at policy level isn’t taken!

AMU has signed a memorandum of understanding with Hochschule Mainz University of Applied Sciences, Germany to develop, orchestrate programs, promote advancement of education and research and strengthen mutual cooperation at Main Campus on 25th May, 2017. Click here to see the Pictures.

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