Giving a major thrust to its collaborative efforts, Arba Minch University has entered into a five-year agreement with Ethiopia’s premier leather industry - Leather Industry Development Institute at latter’s Akaki Sub-City, Kaliti-based headquarter, Addis Ababa, on 12th February, 2018. Click here to see the pictures.

3F-Scientic Private Limited of South Africa and MESLO Egypt, both private companies in the field of scientific and laboratory equipment have installed Elemental Analyzer and ICP-MS at Chemistry laboratory, Abaya Campus on 28th February, 2018. Click here to see the pictures.

Institute of Technology’s Architecture and Urban Planning Department will roll out 9th batch of 40 graduates belonging to on 3rd March, 2018, at New Hall, Main Campus.

AMU Board member, Dr Geremu Sahilu and two eminent Architects, Mr Solomon Ferede and Mr Zeray Mesfin will grace the event. Entire university community, patrons, well-wishers, relatives of graduates and others are cordially invited to attend the program.

It’s learnt that this 5 ½ year program will be the last batch.