‘‘Every year, the Ethiopian Roads Authority (ERA), would need 50,000 skilled professionals in the road sector of which, 5,000 are civil engineers with MSc degree. This sector being dynamic, the volumes of projects and sophistication works continue to grow that keeps our need changing all the time,’’ said the Deputy Director General of ERA, Mr Bekele Negussie.

‘‘In the meeting between seven universities Institutes of Technology and Ethiopian Roads Authority (ERA), the latter has proposed university-industry linkage in a Memorandum of Understanding (MoU) that has detailed activities on research, consultancy services and joint programs to be launched together,’’ said Academic Affairs Vice President, Dr Agena Anjulo.

The rescheduled Arba Minch University’s 25th anniversary celebration will begin from 19th to 25th May, 2014. The celebration which was to start this week got postponed due to some uncertain reasons.

The schedule of the programs announced earlier will be held as usual with minor changes. Country’s high-profile dignitaries will grace the event. Representatives from all 32 public universities, non-governmental organizations, partners, stakeholders, well-wishers, patrons and general public are also invited.

Institutional Transformation Directorate has conducted Education Development Change Army program for Arba Minch University top, middle and lower level leaders at Lecture Theatre, Main Campus  on 8th April, 2014, to apprise them with the ongoing progress on Educational Development army organization - ‘1-to-5’ team concept.


Over the years, lot has been changed in Ethiopia with respect to women, and particularly in last 21 years, we have achieved remarkable results. As of now we have thousands of girl students enrolled in schools and AMU compared to less than 100 female students, 20 years back. In some of the universities girls are outnumbering boys, said AMU President, Dr Felek Woldeyes during ‘International Women’s Day’ celebration at Lecture Theatre, on 1st April, 2014.