Enyew Derese Arkew

Dean, School of law

Arba Minch University celebrates the fifth Ethiopian National Flag Day for the fourth time in the University on October 29, 2012.The Day was marked under the theme: "holding our flag high, we shall realize the Ethiopian Renaissance initiated by our great architect Meles". Gathering in front of the main administration building, members of the University Management, academic and administrative staffs, students of the university and also the university community school students attended the celebration.  The Day was formally opened by Dr. Agena  Anjulo, the V/President for Academic of the University.

Call for Papers

This is to introduce the Ethiopian Journal of Water Science  and Technology and to call for papers.

The Ethiopian Journal of Water Science and Technology (EJWST) is a multidisciplinary peer-reviewed journal published biannually by Arba Minch University.

EJWST is dedicated to communicate research results from water and related areas to the wider society and thereby promote the expansion of knowledge.

The journal welcomes the contribution of researchers and professionals by submitting original manuscripts, case studies and critical reviews.

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