Arba Minch University signed a five-year agreement with Leather Industry Development Institute (LIDI), at latter’s Akaki Sub-City, Kaliti-based headquarter, Addis Ababa, on 12th February, 2018, to facilitate technical training, develop BSc program and harness joint research to make leather sector competitive in Ethiopia and world over by producing skilled professionals.

Academic Affairs Vice President, Dr Yechale Kebede, speaking on academic issues informed that the teaching-learning process is going on as expected and university is not leaving any stones unturned to leapfrog others to be the likes of reputed global counterparts. As one of the important pillars of the university, frequent supervisions and follow-up have been taking place and at the moment final examination is going on across the university as per the calendar.

It was bouquets for achievements, brickbats over unfinished tasks and piece of professional tips from all across for Collaborative Training and Research Centre for Neglected Tropical Disease during its mid-year evaluation meeting held at Nech Sar Campus on 30th & 31st January, 2018. Click here to see the pictures.

Arba Minch University has added another Centre for Research in Livestock and Fisheries in its kitty that’s getting filled with numerous institutions focusing on problem-solving & demand-driven researches to serve the community in right earnest and results are conspicuous by their result. 

Biological & Cultural Research Center (BCDRC) would like to fund & support problem solving research projects in the 3rd quarter of 2010 Click her to download the document