Such trainings are part of our community services, we have been reaching out to public through different ways and education is the best way. Earlier, we had trainings such as English speaking skills but this training is bit different as it has brought science teachers from surrounding schools together, said AMU President, Dr Feleke Woldeyes.

Arba Minch University community led by its President, Dr Feleke Woldeyes condoled the death of Ato Alemayehu Atomsa, former President of Oromia Regional state and the Chairperson of Oromo People’s Democratic Organization (OPDO), in a meeting held at Lecture Theatre, Main Campus on 10th March, 2014.

‘‘We have been trying to establish the culture of good governance; it was part of our annual plan that is formulated by the Ministry of Education and based on that AMU has developed its own. But, it didn’t yield desired results so we came up with the idea to form good governance forum,’’ informed the AMU President., Dr Feleke Woldeyes.

‘‘Today’s workshop on “Impact of flooding on human settlement in rural households in Gambella region in Ethiopia,’ falls under the umbrella of sustainable water resource development plan that ultimately addresses the current and emerging issues related to the changing climatic conditions, said AMU President, Dr Feleke Woldeyes.

Grand Ethiopian Renaissance Dam (GERD) is the epitome of our national integrity and zest for development. It’s iconic in a way as it rightly symbolizes our aspirations. We Ethiopians are emotionally attached with its progress, so having agreed for second round of contribution, AMU is sending a group of people to visit its site, said AMU President, Dr Feleke Woldeyes.