Arba Minch University’s 10-member Organizing Committee would be felicitating around 2,000 individuals from its community for putting in painstaking efforts in successfully organizing the Sports Festival. It’s a three-day program which will continue from 6th to 8th June at its Main Campus.

The Sports Festival was held at AMU’s sprawling campus from February 16 to March 3, 2013, which saw 5000 sporting personalities from around 34 universities across Ethiopia participating in it.

On the first day - 6th June, members from Academics will be honored, on 7th June, students and on the last day - 8th June, members Administration support staff members would be felicitated.

Dr Yechale Kebede, Dean of Continuous & Distance Education, is the chairperson of Felicitation Committee, while Ato Genene Gedebu Feleha, Director of Corporate Communication Directorate, Mr Chombe Anagaw and others are also part of the panel.

Arba Minch, June 4th 2013: While welcoming guests and participants to the symposium, Dr. Arvind Bhat promised that there is an interesting second and concluding day awaits everyone in terms of presentation and knowledge.  Mr. Abedom G/Michael of Mekelle University presented his paper on factors affecting the performance of Women entrepreneurs in Micro and Smal Enterprises in Tigray Region and said that entrepreneurs are movers, shakers and pillars of economic growth.  Women entrepreneurs, he stated, are remarkable and he had analysed 14 male owned and 5 women owned enterprises.  He came to the sad conclusion that women entrepreneurs perform below remarkable level and these women organize, operate and create formal enterprises like men do.

ARBA MINCH: A two-day annual research symposium organized by College of Business and Economics got underway at the University main campus from 3rd to 4th June, 2013, with a main theme of ‘Prospects and challenges of private sector Development in Ethiopia’.  Experts, researchers, government and NGOs representatives attended the symposium.

International Biodiversity Day has celebrated by the theme  “ Water and Biodiversity “. Water is an essential and integral part of life. No living being on planet Earth can survive without it. It is a prerequisite for human health and well-being as well as for the preservation of the environment.

The theme Water and Biodiversity was chosen to coincide with the United Nations designation of 2013 as the  Water and Biodiversity is the theme for International Day for Biological Diversity (IDB) in 2013.

In the commemorated day of celebration Arba Minch University celebrates the day in  different occasions.

While, this symposium made and witnessed spectacular speakers and presentations on the first day, the second and final day saw many interesting and significant presentations taking place.  The morning session had two interesting presenters talking at length on Assessment of Khat and alcohol use with HIV infection and their age among those visiting counseling centers and Anemia and risk factors in HAART naïve and HAART positive patients in Southwest Ethiopia by Mr. Marelign Tilahun and Mr. Lealem Gedefaw respectively.