Civil Engineering Department of Institute of Technology has hosted a daylong symposium on ‘Intelligent Transportation System and its application in Civil Engineering’, at New Hall, Main Campus on 22nd December, 2017. Click here to see the pictures.

Dr Ashraf Chumeto Sulala emerged on top by clocking 3.60 CGPA in the 4th batch of 83 doctors of medicine. He has achieved academic excellence but its Koranic verses that infuse honesty and make him compassionate towards those with mental maladies frenetically running abroad for treatment. Therefore, he wants to become a neurosurgeon and stop the influx.

This diminutive damsel, Dr Freweyni Fissihatsion Yihdego, hails from Debrekal village, Axum town of Tigray, successfully stood tall among 24 female graduates as she grabbed 3.43 CGPA in the 4th batch of Doctors of Medicine. She is contented with score as her dream came true.

The Ethiopian Public Health Association (EPHA) is a non-for-profite, voluntary, multidisciplinary Association of professionals registered as Ethiopian Residents Society under the Charities and Societies Agency Proclamation No. 621A/2001. Click here to download the Call for Abstract.

Arba Minch University and other stakeholders associated with Chamo Lake having seriously deliberated issues threatening lake’s aquatic life agreed to harness fishery, boost breeding, check illegal fishing; improve annual yield and livelihood prospect. The pact in this regard will be signed later, Dr Fassil Eshetu informed. Click here to see the pictures.