Arba Minch University’s Community Service Directorate is a name to reckon with in the region as it continues to address the broad spectrum of socio-environmental issues. Its several specific projects do offer perfect solutions to social and environmental issues. With academic calendar reaching half way mark, it has had several timely and continuous projects in its kitty. 

Arba Minch University has recently launched Entrepreneurship Development Centre to inculcate entrepreneurial mindset in the graduates and make them self-reliant. The centre approved in June 2015, with newly structured organizational chart to get functional soon.

Dr Yechale Kebede, the Vice President for Administration, has been elevated to the position of Academic Affairs Vice President on March 22, 2016. Dr Yechale in the last 10 years with AMU has held several positions. He held his previous position for almost two years. He spoke on the wide range of issues and following is the full text of his interview.

‘‘My priority is to establish good governance and its compliance by all and systemize functioning in a structured manner thus creating conducive work environment. It will enable us to enhance education quality and upgrade service delivery,’’ Dr Damtew Darza declared in his maiden interview as University President; following is the full text.

Shawul Gulilat, the top-scorer from Architecture and Urban Planning articulates his vision and goal in absolute terms. He is wary of his potential and professional arena; he would be taking the plunge into.